This website/webshop is using cookies to track users anonymously and to monitor its performance. This enables us to improve our service to our users when needed. Since there is no interaction in the exchange of personal data, there is no need to interact with us for any privacy-related topics when you are just visiting our website.
The moment a visitor becomes a buyer, he is or she does then create a buyer’s profile where he or she will enter all personal data needed to ship your orders to you. This information is protected while entered with an SSL and your personal information will then be stored in a database. By doing so, the buyer can now order from our website and he or she can also log in each time for any recurring order. Your personal information is not given or sold to any 3rd party and it is only used to interact with our buyers and to keep them updated on any future sales. By creating a buyer’s
profile, you agree that your information is stored in our database and that we are allowed to send you an email or an SMS informing you about any airsoft sale. You have the right to be forgotten if you do not wish to interact with Vincent’s Hobby Shop anymore by sending us a “request to be forgotten per email after which we will delete your buyers profile. For any questions related to your privacy, you may contact us via chat or email.